Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Powerful Presentation Skills

Thanks to Che Lah, now everyone is aware that Sabrina, she has an American accent! :D

Well I'm not sure that I do but I do know that my English is a little bit different and it will only be different when I am actually nervous. When I am totally calm, trust me my English is somewhat very normal :)

Because Che Lah is so just so fun to be around with, I enjoyed his and Puan Rusilawati class a lot! I do believe it is essential for us to have this presentation skills because HELLOOOO PRESENTATION?! Very common; during our studies and also in working life later.  Nail this skill and what you want is, what you will get.

So if the Central Dogma of Molecular Biology is DNA--->RNA--->Protien,
the Central Dogma of a Powerful Presentation is Knowledge--->Confidence--->Enthusiasm.
If you have the knowledge on the topic that you will present, you will gain the confidence to talk about it and when you confidently know all this wonderful thing of the topic, then you definitely will be enthusiastic to share this information will the rest of the world! No? :)  I know I would.

So there are three major components of presentation skills - strategy, substance and style.
1) Strategy - Planning ahead for the event and positioning our self to take advantage of all the possible opportunities and to overcome any of the potential problem
2) Style - Developing our verbal and non-verbal skills to communicate our own way
3) Substance - Knowing your topic dearly at heart at least one point.

So my group and I presented on Eco-fashion. We choose this topic becuase it sounds COOL :D
And since Donald Trump said that "You never get a second chance to make a first impression", we started of our presentation with a fashion runway to grab our audience attention. I think it worked, hihi. I have learned a lot from everyone group presentation, most important I learned that a very versatile speaker can make any topic interesting and a very dull speaker will kill any topic, even the most fun topic ever.

So hopefully by the end of this communication course, I will be the most versatile speaker I can ever be.

"There are always three speeches, for every one you actually gave. The one you practiced, the one you gave, and the one you wish you gave."
-- Dale Carnegi, an Amercan writer and lecturer and the developer of famous courses in self-improvement, salesmanship, corporate training public speaking and interpersonal skills.

Dear Mr Carnegi, that is so true! 


  1. You have an American accent??

    Interesting. I have been accused of having an accent and I have been speaking this way all my life.

    Nature or nurture?
