Monday, December 6, 2010

Let's free write!

Monday Blues.

*still blank*
*masih blank*
*and now you can hear the crickets creeping*

Owh I was blog hopping through the list of other participants blogs and I came across this blog "Freedom Wall", and the blog's description, which goes like this:
When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"
made me think about how ungrateful I can be sometimes. Have you thank god for all of your blessing today? I just did.

The finger that burnt is getting better, a new superficial layer of skin is starting to cover the flesh, how the body works is just amazing.  Looking out the window, today is a sunny day. I dont like cats. I like ABC. I like cendol. I like everything known as FOOD, who doesn't no? I'm not sure what kind of widgets I should add on my blog, I'm not sure if I want to add some. I'm wearing a watch that is pretty much slowing down my typing. I think my spell check is no longer working. It is already 12.12 pm. I drink coffee everyday. I am simple. I like elephants. I like to eat. Writing what I like seem hards now. I should go comment other people blogs now. Maybe I'll be inspired.Ok that is already a minute of typing non-stop. Ok Sabrina, enough of this free writing go write a post.

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